Checking policy

CHECKANT is a checking and testing of the authenticity, accuracy, and reliability of product expressions (labels, manuals, promotional brochures, etc.) based on impartiality, independence, and integrity, and provides records (videos) and reports, suggestions, and consulting services of the review process. CHECKANT mission is working for a reliable world.


Standards of Business Conduct (CHECKANT Code of Conduct)

Our Standards of Business Conduct cover legal compliance and ethical areas. It includes provisions on respect for human rights and fair treatment of employees, environmental compliance, fair competition and safe workplaces. The Standards of Business Conduct incorporate our Test for Integrity, reminding everyone who works for CHECKANT to be honest and fair, and to adhere to applicable laws and rules. The standards also require employees to comply with other CHECKANT policies including our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy, Confidential Information Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.